“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice,” the new riveting Halloween movie, has taken the world by storm with its thrilling story and new trends. Released earlier this month, it has brought back some iconic characters and uncovered an exciting plot for old and new viewers to enjoy as well as creating new viral fads like the lip trend.
Tim Burton, the director for the original movie has brought the classic back to life again with this new sequel. The story takes place after a tragic family devastation in the Deetz family that brings them back to their old haunted house. Their misfortune leads them on a journey that brings Beetlejuice and other characters from the original back into their lives as well as some new characters that make a big impact on their adventure.
Overall, the movie has had good reviews and has been a good homage to the original film. Some say it’s a great family watch and would see it again, while others say that although the actors were great, the plot was confusing. Despite needing some improvements, it still has the same familiar charm as the original.
Ema Akcay, a 9th-grade student here at Morris Hills, said, “Overall 7.5/10. The plot was good and I think the actors portrayed the characters very well, but the movie itself didn’t call my attention.”
Like some reviewers, Ema thinks that some aspects of the movie could have been improved. “The movie was a bit rushed,” she said. “It could have been a little bit more drawn out to make it more appealing.”
Although there are some cons, Ema has a favorite moment from the film. “My favorite moment was probably when the mother, father, and daughter reunited in the afterlife because it showed a happy family moment and gave them hope that there was still something on the other side.”
In the end though, Ema said, “Personally, I wouldn’t recommend it if someone were to ask.”
As someone who has not watched the original film and viewed it as a stand-alone movie, I agree with Ema that the story felt rushed and the storylines were a bit chaotic. However, the acting and comedic timing were great.
In the end, it’s a good family movie for everyone to enjoy, so for anyone wanting to watch “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice,” they should check it out for themselves.