Winning MayBe a Uniform-change Away
In video games, like Team Fortress 2 and the Halo Series, the red and blue teams hold much importance in the gameplay. Despite these teams being the same in every way except color, it seems universal that the red teams are always better. In a recent poll conducted at Morris Hills, blue and red were tied for the lead, but those who chose red as their favorite showed more enthusiasm and placed more importance in their color choice. Why does color seem to play such a big role in opinions and actions?
Red is often associated with violence and power. In many studies, the use of red as a team color has meant more wins for the red team. Red causes “heightened aggression, dominance, and testosterone levels,” according to Adam Alter, which means a better chance of victory for the team it represents. Adam Alter, author of Drunk Tank Pink and Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave, theorizes that red’s associations causes people who use it to display those traits. This is why the red team is preferred, seen as more aggressive, and more likely to win in competitive video gaming and in sports. Red switches on an unconscious bias in human minds that makes red appear a better color than blue. As some say, red is the color of victory, but what they leave out is that this victory is all to do with psychology.
Facebook and Walmart are blue for the opposite reasons. It calms the mind and creates focus; some associate it with trust. Blue is often the color of the losing teams in video games because it relaxes players, but in games like League of Legends, the blue team has been found to win more often. This is because the blue players are more likely to do tasks that would prove to be beneficial in the grand scheme, rather than go on side quests. Blue fosters creativity and the ability to think ahead. This only seems to happen in these types of games because they are more strategy based, instead of skill based. This color’s association with trust is utilized by Walmart, Twitter, Facebook, and other big brands. Blue is an obvious calmer, but somehow an attention-getter.
It is evident that color not only plays an important role in our gaming, but also in our behavior and opinions. Red causes more aggression in those wearing it and also causes bias in those who judge and view the sport. Blue makes for a calm mental state and better control over ideas and decisions. While these two may seem to just be colors, they affect our thoughts both for better and worse. The rest of the world seems to be catching on, with many new brands and teams putting the psychology into consideration with their color choices. Colors have crazy effects but in short, blue is the calm while red is the storm. In the end, we all know what our lucky color is here at Morris Hills.