This November, Morris Hills Thespians once again wowed with their fall play, “Almost, Maine.” As one of the most produced plays at the high school level, and it’s clear to see why this romcom resonates so deeply.
“Almost, Maine” is uniquely relatable and intimate, covering a group of regular people as they fall in and out of love in magical ways. It is structured into 10 vignettes, short scenes with no more than three people, with each scene having its own story that connects to a much larger plot: a narrative that explores the question, “what is love?”
One of the most noteworthy aspects of the play was its scenic beauty. The characters’ realizations about love all happened under the captivating backdrop of the Northern lights, designed by woods teacher Mr. Feakins and the Morris Hills Prop Shop. The picturesque lights shone over a simple stick frame house, which, combined with the overall winter vibes of the set, helped to create a cozy atmosphere that enhanced the personal themes.
The cast themselves had a great time behind the scenes throughout the development of this production. The show’s structure allowed room for special moments in the wings of the stage or the green room.
Jas Elsayyid, who played Deena, recalls her favorite moments during her experience in “Almost, Maine” were those backstage, where everyone was able to connect and have fun while the people onstage were undoubtedly charming the audience. Bethany Soto, who played Sandrine, echoed this sentiment, saying, “I really enjoyed the show, and I think it came together perfectly in the end.”
Audiences also had a fantastic time watching the performance. One of the best things about the play was that each audience member could have a different favorite scene for a completely valid reason. Because each scene told such a unique story, viewers were drawn to scenes that resonated the most with them.
It wasn’t just audiences who were wowed by the incredible hard work that was put into the play. “I am incredibly proud of the cast and crew for this play and how they time and time again show the power of vulnerability on the stage,” said director Mr. Fahrer.
“They worked tirelessly to create a show that expounded on the intricacies of love and they did it on a professional and poignant level. It was an amazing theatre to be a part of,” he said.
Jas Elsayyid • Jan 13, 2025 at 1:01 pm
W article, I like the girl who played Deena, she was pretty cool