Opinion: An Open Letter to Morris Hills


In light of recent events, the Hilltopper has invited guest writer Sabriyyah Franklin to share her thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement. She is a rising senior and president of the African American Cultural Club at Hills.


Breonna Taylor. George Floyd. Sandra Bland. Eric Garner. Trayvon Martin. Tamir Rice. The list goes on and on when it comes to unjust killings and police brutality against Black People. If we have to protest just to show our lives matter, then that is a huge problem- especially in America. As a child, we want to be carefree, right? To have the chance to play outside with no worries. Unfortunately though, one thing about growing up Black is you have to have that talk with your parents. 

Not the talk the average teenager gets, but the talk that young Black men and women have to hear over and over again. The talk about how to protect yourself and handle run-ins with the police, so you can have the blessing of making it home safely to see your family again. Sometimes, no matter how many times you hear the talk, it never truly prepares you for the racism you are bound to face because of the color of your skin, or the potential that one day this could happen to you. But, if you don’t see the problem in that, then you could never understand our pain. 

Police are supposed to protect us, right? Well, for us Black People in America, that ideology does not apply most of the time. The system was not built with the well being of us in mind, therefore making it completely against us. Our protests come from a place of hurt and feelings of unsafety, that we can’t even count on our own country to protect us sometimes. Our brothers and sisters are getting killed everyday, unarmed, and for no reason. Well, actually there is one reason:


Because the color of our skin. 


So, the change starts with us. Our generation. Our Black ancestors fought for us to be here and even though we are still facing some of the racial issues they faced, they have definitely paved the way for us. Which is why when we fight, we have to keep them in mind. We have to keep going- no matter how long it takes. 

Even though this problem is a Black issue, if you have Black friends, family members, and associates- you should also be fighting. Even if you do not have Black people in your life, you should still be fighting for us. It is easy to avoid a problem that has nothing to do with you, but it is 2020. It has now come to the point where if you are silent, that is a HUGE problem, that also shows that you chose the side that thinks my life does not matter. 


Ways You Can Help As a Non Black Person – 

  • Sign petitions 
  • Donate to causes 
  • Protest, either physically or online, both helps tremendously
  • Check on your Black friends, family members, or associates. Let them know you are here for them. 
  • ALWAYS stick up for someone that you see is under a racial attack


White Privilege is very real.  It’s something every white person has, whether they acknowledge it or not. It means, compared to a Black person, you will always get the advantage because of your skin tone. Your life is not made more difficult because of your skin tone. Lastly, you don’t have to worry about a traumatizing run in with the police, why? Because of your skin tone. 

Although it hinders people of color, it can be used for good. White people can use their privilege for good by protesting and standing with Black people. Also by stopping racial attacks from happening if they witness it- not just standing there, and teaching your future children right from wrong. We were all given a voice for a reason, why not use it to help save somebody’s life? 

We must be consistent with protesting and getting justice for all the unjust killings of black women and men. Most importantly, putting an end to this ongoing issue. Black Lives Matter, they always have and always will. 

The change starts with us, ALL of us.